You have A problem?

We have THE solution!


👉Welcome to ACME, where exceptional analytics skills and unwavering commitment to client satisfaction drive our mission to craft custom software solutions, websites, and software products that empower businesses to thrive in the digital age.

👉At ACME, we believe that every business is unique, and that's why we specialize in tailor-made software solutions. Our journey began with a simple yet profound vision: to create technology that enhances the way businesses operate. Over the years, we've improved our skills, expanded our team, and evolved with the ever-changing tech landscape.

👉We take a client-centric approach to every project we undertake. We understand that your business goals, challenges, and aspirations are unique. That's why we work closely with you to define your requirements and goals, ensuring that every line of code we write and every design element we create aligns with your vision. Our team of experienced developers, designers, and project managers collaborates seamlessly to deliver custom software solutions that are as functional as they are beautiful.

Innovative Technology Solutions for the Digital Age
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Crafted software solutions tailored to your unique needs, driven by powerful analytics to enhance your business.


Our innovative tools, from project management to data analytics, set new standards for productivity and quality.


We design responsive and engaging websites for corporate, e-commerce, and personal use, leaving a memorable online footprint.


Simplify social media with our comprehensive management, content creation, and data-driven engagement strategies.


Amplify your online presence with our expertise in digital marketing. We offer tailored strategies to help your business succeed in the digital landscape.


We offer tailored consultancy services to guide companies in making informed decisions during software development.

We build software.
We test software.
We deploy software.
We support YOU.


Stojan Knežević

Luka Jeremić
Backend developer

Lazar Lekić

Dimitrije Radonjić
Frontend developer

Jovan Radonjić
Backend developer

Suzana Dubljević



Ivan Radović

Ivan Radović

Front developer

Imao sam priliku da radim na zanimljivim projektima i steknem duboko razumevanje industrije zahvaljujući vašem timu. Hvala Vam na prilici da rastem i razvijam se u ovom okruženju.

Benamin Bambur

Benamin Bambur

Fullstack developer

Kao svježi diplomirani student imao sam čast da unaprijedim svoje znanje kao kao full-stack web developer u kompaniji ACME. Tim je bio izuzetno podržavajući , pružajući dragocjeno mentorstvo i prilike za učenje i napredovanje. Rad na stvarnim projektima omogućio mi je da primijenim svoje vještine i steknem praktično iskustvo u razvoju kako u front-end tako i back-end programiranju. Posvećenost kompanije inovacijama i saradnji stvarala je stimulirajuće i ugodno radno okruženje. Sveukupno, moj pripravnički u kompaniji ACME bio je nagrađujuće i obogaćujuće iskustvo koje je postavilo čvrst temelj za moju karijeru u razvoju softvera.

Lazar Lekić

Lazar Lekić

Graphic designer

Moje stručno osposobljavanje u kompaniji ACME, kao grafički dizajner je bilo fantastično iskustvo. Imao sam priliku istražiti UX/UI i veb dizajn, dok sam takođe učio i usavrsavao nove alate za dizajn ko što je Figma. Ova prilika proširila je moj set vještina i pružila vrijedne uvide u svijet dizajna.

Luka Jeremić

Luka Jeremić

Backend developer

Tokom ovog perioda stekao sam značajne vještine i vrijedno praktično iskustvo i samim tim značajno proširio svoje znanje. Rad na raznovrsnim projektima doprinio je dubljem razumijevanju različitih aspekata razvoja softvera.



Take a Break and Relax—It is National Relaxation Day!

At ACME, we understand the vital role that balance and relaxation play in achieving peak performance. On National Relaxation Day, we are taking a moment to emphasize the importance of stepping back and recharging our batteries.At ACME, we understand the vital role that balance and relaxation play in achieving peak performance. On National Relaxation Day, we are taking a moment to emphasize the importance of stepping back and recharging our batteries.


Honoring Our Future Tech Leaders: Happy National Intern Day From ACME!

At ACME, we believe in nurturing talent and providing opportunities for growth. Today, we celebrate the hard work, fresh perspectives, and enthusiasm our interns bring to the team.At ACME, we believe in nurturing talent and providing opportunities for growth. Today, we celebrate the hard work, fresh perspectives, and enthusiasm our interns bring to the team.


Cool Off and Code On-It is National Vanilla Ice Cream Day!

At ACME, we are celebrating the sweet simplicity of vanilla ice cream and Vanilla PHP. Both are timeless classics that bring joy and efficiency. At ACME, we are celebrating the sweet simplicity of vanilla ice cream and Vanilla PHP. Both are timeless classics that bring joy and efficiency.


Happy National Fortune Cookie Day from ACME!

At ACME, we believe that great ideas often come from unexpected places. Today, we celebrate National Fortune Cookie Day by embracing the small yet powerful messages found in fortune cookies.At ACME, we believe that great ideas often come from unexpected places. Today, we celebrate National Fortune Cookie Day by embracing the small yet powerful messages found in fortune cookies.


Celebrate World Backup Day with ACME!

Do not gamble with your data—celebrate World Backup Day with ACME! In today is interconnected world, data is crucial for our projects, businesses, and memories. Do not gamble with your data—celebrate World Backup Day with ACME! In today is interconnected world, data is crucial for our projects, businesses, and memories.


Join us at the Elevator Pitch event

Join us at the Elevator Pitch event, organized for the second consecutive year by the Faculty of Information Technology at the Mediterranean University, with the support of the Student Association of FIT! This year, we are pleased to announce that among the leading IT companies participating will be ACME!Join us at the Elevator Pitch event, organized for the second consecutive year by the Faculty of Information Technology at the Mediterranean University, with the support of the Student Association of FIT! This year, we are pleased to announce that among the leading IT companies participating will be ACME!


Happy National Plant a Flower Day!

Embrace the beauty of nature—it is National Plant a Flower Day! As we nurture our projects and cultivate growth in the digital landscape, let is also take time to reconnect with the natural world and appreciate the wonders of creation. Embrace the beauty of nature—it is National Plant a Flower Day! As we nurture our projects and cultivate growth in the digital landscape, let is also take time to reconnect with the natural world and appreciate the wonders of creation.


Happy International Women Day from ACME!

Happy International Women Day from ACME! Today, we celebrate the brilliance, resilience, and achievements of women worldwide. Happy International Women Day from ACME! Today, we celebrate the brilliance, resilience, and achievements of women worldwide.

Get in touch with us

9 Velimira Terzića, Podgorica 81000,

Podgorica, Montenegro


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